Friday, October 26, 2012

Dance-a-Thon - Reminder

Attention Parents,

Dance-a-Thon is just 9 days away.   Deadline for submitting the Pledge forms/money and ticket stubs/money is next Friday, November 2.   If you are ready to turn them in now, you may do so this Friday (Oct 26) at 0 Period.  If you need more tickets to attend the event/lunch, just let Joan Aguero at 626-260-0091 know, and she can get them to you.

2012-13 Booster Board
West Covina High School
Dance/Drill and All Male Team

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Team Parents - Important Announcements

Attention Team Parents,

Today (Oct 18) at 6pm is the last day for team members to be measured for their team warm-ups.  Please remind your kids to meet with Mrs. Galvan in Room D5 (Mrs. J’s room) if they have not been measured.   For those who do not show up, our best guess for the size will be ordered.

The November Booster Parent Meeting (Nov 1) is rescheduled to November 8.  Please update your respective calendars accordingly.  Reminder - bring your trash bags of alumini cans/plastic water bottles to the meeting.

Reminder for the new Booster Parents – The $100 deposit for new team members is now past due.  Please provide your payment this Friday morning (Oct 19) at 0 period.   Uniforms (including warm-ups) will not be distributed if the deposit has not been paid.

2012-13 Booster Board
West Covina High School
Dance/Drill and All Male Team

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Reminder Parent Booster Meeting - October 4th

Booster Parent meeting is Oct 4the at 7pm in Mrs Julien’s D-5 Classroom.   Kindle Drawing stubs/money need to be turned in before start of meeting --  winner will be chosen during the meeting.  Also, if you want to order your very own Team T-Shirt - remember to bring your order form/money to the meeting.

Thank you.
WCHS Dance Drill Booster Board