Saturday, August 17, 2013

Practice: Week 08/19-08/24

Mon. (Aug. 19): 4 to 7pm in front of the WCHS gym

Tues. (Aug. 20): 4 to 8pm front of the WCHS gym.  Practice will end at 7pm.  Immediately after, team is to change into gold tees & black shorts and report to gym to take the pictures for the football program.

Wed. & Thurs. (Aug. 21 & 22): 4 to 7pm in front of the WCHS gym.

Fri. (Aug. 23): No practice

Sat. (Aug. 24): Coed Dance Only-9 to 3:30pm @ The Lab.  There will be a 30 min. lunch break.  Per Coach: If you're absent, you will not be casted in coed dance.